Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessment (DQRA)

A Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessment (DQRA) is an advanced stage of contaminated land risk assessment. It is conducted when a Generic Quantitative Risk Assessment (GQRA) indicates that contamination levels exceed generic screening values, or if site-specific conditions require a more refined evaluation.

Purpose of DQRA:

⦁ To assess the long-term impact of contamination.

⦁ To develop a more accurate, site-specific risk profile.

⦁ To determine whether remediation is necessary and to what extent.

⦁ To support decision-making by landowners, regulators, and developers.

DQRA uses mathematical models to predict how contaminants behave over time, and models the identified exposure pathways (e.g., ingestion, inhalation, skin contact). It establishes site-specific assessment criteria (SSAC) instead of using generic screening values.

The outcome of a DQRA enables a decision to be made whether site remediation is required, develops remediation targets based on site-specific risks, and provides evidence to support planning applications and regulatory compliance.

At Wema Geoenvironmental Ltd, we have significant years of experience in carrying out DQRA for human health and for controlled waters (the water environment).

Contact us to discuss your DQRA needs.

Why Choose Us?

Sustainable Geoenvironmental

  • Analytical

  • Qualitative

  • Quantitative

  • Professional